Cyberchase Wiki
Digit signature
category Species
Bunny (temporarily)[1]
cake Age
16 (Seasons 1–5)
17 (Season 6–12)
18 (Season 13–present)[citation needed]
cake Birthday
Arbor Day[2] (April 29)
male Gender
palette Favorite color
Purple[3] (formerly blue[citation needed], undecided)
work Occupation
Published author[4][5]
CyberSquad member
family_restroom Relatives
Motherboard (surrogate grandmother)
Dr. Marbles (surrogate grandfather)
Hacker (creator)
Widget (brother)
Delete (brother)
Buzz (brother)
Brigit (cousin)
Gigabyte (brother)
sentiment_satisfied Allies
sentiment_extremely_dissatisfied Enemies
skip_previous Debut
"Lost My Marbles"
skip_next Latest appearance
"Weather or Not, Part 2"

Digit "Didge" LeBoid[4][5] is the deuteragonist of Cyberchase and one of the four members of the CyberSquad, alongside Inez, Jackie, and Matt. In contrast to them, Digit is a robotic cybird[6] who lives in Cyberspace. He has a propeller tail, chest hatch, and all-purpose beak that comes in handy on the CyberSquad's missions. He also often fills a comic-relief role. Digit was created by Hacker, but defected to Motherboard's side prior to the events of the show[7]. Digit is now one of Motherboard's technicians, as well as a chef, cookbook author, and restaurant owner. Digit was voiced by the late Gilbert Gottfried until his passing in April 2022. He is among many of the show's characters to speak with a nasally New York metropolitan accent featuring the coilcurl merger. He is played by Ron Pardo as of Season 14[8]. Digit is also occasionally voiced by Andre Wells. As of December 27, 2022, Digit replaces Hacker as the show's icon on the PBS Kids website.


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“Digit had turned his back on the bad guys and hooked up with Motherboard, becoming one of her most trusted assistants. He always helped the kids out with their missions. But every now and then, he needed a little help himself.”
Cyberchase: The Search for the Power Orb, page 27

While working for Motherboard, Hacker created Digit to be his assistant. "Buzz And The Tree" reveals that his birthday falls on Arbor Day.

Digit seems to have willingly helped Hacker caused chaos at some point. In "Lost My Marbles", he claims, "If Mother B hadn't rescued me and set me straight, I'd still be wreaking havoc". This may have been very early on in his life, as Digit is demonstrated helping Motherboard throughout the "How It All Started" prequel series, and Motherboard is not shown rescuing him.

When Hacker locked Motherboard's Encryptor Chip in a secret vault, Digit solved the combination and returned it in time. Hacker, banished to the Northern Frontier for his actions, brought Digit along against his will, unbeknownst to Motherboard and Dr. Marbles.[9]

Digit thwarted Hacker's plan to cause chaos in Valussa by sending a coded message containing the secret to save the cybersite. Hacker learned of Digit's betrayal and locked him in a cage. Digit used his beak to free himself, and flew back to Motherboard Control Central.[7]

Along with the other members of the CyberSquad, Digit helps protect Cyberspace and Motherboard from Hacker.

Digit attended cooking school[10] and has become a well-known chef, described in "A Time To Cook" as "cyberworld's latest cooking sensation", and in "Face-Off" as "the most famous cyboid in Cyberspace". He owns a restaurant as of "Journey of a Thousand Food Miles". Digit is the author of The Cyber Chef and Cooking with the Didge. Prior to publishing The Cyber Chef, he may have been to France.

Conjecture on age[]

Digit was present when the spare Memory Integrator was delivered to Dr. Marbles, on July 16 of a year ending in 88[11]. Assuming that this is short for 1988 and that the show takes place in 2002 at the earliest—neither of which is known to be confirmed—Digit would be at least 13 years old at the start of the show. Under the same assumptions, he would be at least 14 as of "Digit's B-Day Surprise", and at least 15 as of "Buzz And The Tree".


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Digit is well-meaning and well-intentioned but can be clumsy and awkward. He often serves as a comic relief character[12][13], and has several idiosyncratic catchphrases. Digit can also be worrisome, bossy and overbearing at times, but he is typically sweet and mostly comes across solutions to problems by accident, and is quick to accept being called a genius before he knows how what he said or did was useful[12].

Another running gag involves Digit making an observation that he doesn't realize is helpful and another character calling him a genius, which he may question or feign the intention of.

In "Digit's B-Day Surprise", Digit is shown to realize that he makes a lot of mistakes. Hacker uses this as a weakness to manipulate him into feeling guilty and unappreciated, but Digit is ultimately comforted by his friends at the titular surprise party.

Digit's Synchrometer keeps him synchronized, and can affect his behavior. If he waits too long to reactivate it, he experiences symptoms such as loss of coordination, unusual speech, disorientation from reality, and memory loss.[14]

It wears off sometime, making him act very wonky and drunk-like. He needs it reactivated to behave like himself.

In "Codename: Icky" and "Size Me Up", Digit says he hates anchovies and mud, respectively. In "Be Reasonable", he reveals he has a toy cybercoupe collection. As of "Plantasaurus!", Digit's favorite band is Purple 4.

Physical appearance[]

“Well, I like to think I'm not unattractive.”
―Digit, "Cool It"

Digit is a predominantly indigo cybird, with a body plan likened to a turkey's in robot form[15]. Digit's head resembles a seagull's[15], and it and the tip of his tail are both lavender. His beak is pointed and about as long as his head is wide[15], with prominent nostrils and wrinkles at the base, and contains three rounded buckteeth at either side. He has bags under his eyes.

Digit's wings can function as hands, and his tail is a small propeller, with four triangular tail feathers[12] that act as blades (although he is usually only drawn with three visible at a time, even from the back). The body of the tail can open to release a parachute[5]. He has a white, rectangular "chest hatch"[16][12] with a small red knob at the top. Digit's height and length in profile are each about three times the width of his head[15].

Digit has spiky hair that is usually obscured by his red baseball cap, which he wears backward. The cap is attached by a thin cord to a "cyber cam"[15], which looks like a white orb with a red dot, much like the Scritters' and Kozlow's hats. The cyber cam sometimes flashes when he realizes something[17]. Digit also wears a red bowtie, and yellow-and-red high-top sneakers[15].

Digit concept art

Early concept sketches of Digit

Digit resembles Eddie from Birdz, another show that Larry Jacobs worked on. However, this may be a coincidence, as Digit had been written into the show by February 2000[18], before Jacobs joined production in September that year[19].

In "Clock Like an Egyptian", Digit claims he has no chance of growing feathers. However, he is sometimes depicted with feathers falling off[20].

Digit's eyes can safely dislocate from their sockets. The back of each eyeball has a small cylindrical knob that tethers the eye to a thin, coiled orange wire, similar to the exposed wires on Widget's body. The area behind each socket is hot pink.[21] It is unknown whether Digit can dislocate his eyes at will, or if it was merely a fear reflex. Gigabyte's eyes seem to be attached in the same way, perhaps because both Digit and Gigabyte were constructed by Hacker.


Digit pajamas 11-10-15

Digit wearing his pajamas

In "A Recipe For Chaos" and "Plantasaurus!" Digit is shown wearing his yellow nightcap, yellow nightgown pajamas with light blue trim, and turquoise bear slippers.

Powers and abilities[]

Digit's avian body plan and propeller tail enable him to fly. However, he is afraid of heights, and the necessary parts for flight tend to be damaged in some situations where they would be useful. For example, in "Penguin Tears", the rotor freezes and becomes inoperable. "Weather or Not" reveals that Digit can increase the size of his propeller blades to create a stronger airflow.

Digit can use his chest hatch to store and retrieve things. The objects inside seem to stop exerting physical forces, and may shrink to fit. For instance, when he takes out a strong magnet, it only then attracts several other large objects from inside the hatch[11]. A more extreme example still is when he unloads a weight that is larger than his body, which he struggles to lift afterward and is heavy enough to counteract the pull of the Grim Wreaker on Motherboard Control Central[22].

Digit also has an all purpose beak[7] that he can turn into several tools.

Like a parrot, Digit is skilled at vocal mimicry. He is generally talented at imitations and ventriloquism, and seems to be able to throw his voice.[23] In "Secrets of Symmetria", he claims to be able to imitate DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Tom Cruise.

Similarly to Delete, Digit has extendable legs[24][25].

Digit has built virtual nests, but admits to not being very good at it[26].

The ball attached to Digit's hat can be used as a flashlight[27].

"Spheres of Fears" implies that Digit can whistle, although he is unable to when he tries, likely due to being nervous.

List of recipes[]

"Codename: Icky"
Although no recipes are shown, passages in the The Cyber Chef mention the hot dog and croissant, so it is possible that the book covers these dishes.
"A Time To Cook"
  • Digit's Famous Cyberbeet Stew
  • Sweet and Sour Salad with Special Seaweed Sauce
  • Soufflé (recipe by Motherboard)
"A Tikiville Turkey Day"
  • Digit's Famous Tikiville Tea
"A Recipe for Chaos"
  • Digit's Delight Salad
  • Banana and Black Bean Omelette with Brussel Sprouts
  • Grilled Brussel Sprouts with Cheese and Bacon
"Journey of a Thousand Food Miles"
  • Cherry Supreme
  • Ghoulish Goulash
  • Monster Macaroni
  • Digit's Pear Paradise

List of objects in Digit's chest hatch[]

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"Harriet Hippo & the Mean Green"
"True Colors"
  • Collapsible tripod chalkboard
"A Perfect Fit"
  • Orange marmalade
  • String
"The Snelfu Snafu - Part 2"
  • Personal bank
"Penguin Tears"
  • Video camera with suction cup
"Past Perfect Prediction"
  • Corded telephone
"Measure For Measure"
"Escape from Merlin's Maze"
"Jimaya Jam"
  • Banana
  • Glasses
  • Toaster
"Spheres of Fears"
"Watts of Halloween Trouble"
  • Boot
  • Zoot suit
  • Lute
  • Portal Rebooter
"Duck Stop"
  • Four ten-packs of sticky notes


Digit displays a close friendship with the CyberSquad and many minor characters. He has a personal vendetta against Hacker, Buzz, and Delete, and is more suspicious of them[28][29][30] and Wicked[31] than the other members of the CyberSquad. Despite this, Digit sometimes says "The Hacker", which may be a habit from when he worked for Hacker.

Character bios[]

"Meet the CyberSquad" bio (2001)[]

He's a bird, he's a, he's a klutz- but a loveable klutz who's a first class pal to the kids. He used to work for Hacker, but flew the coop when Hacker betrayed Motherboard.

Favorite Color: He can't decide

Favorite Book: “The Cyber Chef” by Digit LeBoid, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

Favorite Music: The Dixie Chicks

Favorite Movie: “Chicken Run”

Pet Peeves: Heights and having to do things over

Pets: Widget

Trading card bio[]

Age: Not that old

Favorite Color: He can't decide

Favorite Line: "I knew that... I was just testing you."

Other Faves: Earthlies, taking pictures, cartoons

Pet Peeves: Hacker, heights, getting dented

Great At: Crash landings, telling bad jokes, doing impressions

"Who's Who Document"[]

You gotta love Digit. He may not always have the right answers,but he always gives 200% for Team Motherboard. Digit is sort of mother hen (er, “cyboid”) to Inez, Jackie and Matt, and he looks after them whenever they’re in cyberspace. He helps Motherboard too, taking care of things for her at Control Central.

Digit is one tough-talking cyberbird. He’s not afraid of Hacker – not usually, anyway. In fact, he was made by Hacker, back when Hacker worked for Motherboard. Digit wouldn’t dream of associating with “that crumb-bum” now.

Digit helps the “Earthlies” (as he fondly calls Inez, Jackie and Matt) figure things out by asking endless questions whenever he doesn’t understand something…which is often. Sometimes he talks about taking a day off, but he wouldn’t miss spending time with his friends or fighting against Hacker for anything.

AGE Not that old! “Hey, what do I look like – Grandma Moses?”

SKILLS He can go over or around things the kids can’t. He can turn his beak into all sorts of mechanical tools to help out in tough situations. Digit is an excellent mimic. He has a hatch in his chest that is filled with just about anything the kids might need to help get them (or himself) out of a jam.

PET PEEVES Heights and having to do things over

FAVORITE COLOR He can’t decide

FAVORITE BOOK “The Cyber Chef” by Digit leBoid and “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

"CyberSquad" bio (2012)[]

Digit, a cyboid, was created by Hacker, but he left him to work for Motherboard. He can fly with his propeller tail, but he is afraid of heights and often crashes and dents his beak. A great friend and helper, Digit loves to work with the kids to stop Hacker. Signature line: “Yoikes!”


Web Adventures[]

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Digit has appeared in every episode thus far, except for "The Poddleville Case", where he is only mentioned by Inez.

Cyberchase: The Quest[]



Main article: Digit/gallery

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Portuguese Dígito Digit


  • In 2023, Ron Pardo took over as the voice actor of Digit since Gilbert Gottfried passed away on April 27, 2022.
  • Digit's design slightly, but greatly resembles Eddie from Birdz, another show that Larry Jacobs worked on.
  • He is similar to Alpha in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
  • He has some similarities to Iago from Aladdin.
    • They are both birds that can fly.
    • They used to work for the main antagonists and still fear them (Digit has Hacker and Iago has Jafar).
    • Both were voiced by the late Gilbert Gottfried.
    • They can both disguise their own voices very well.
Digit concept art

Early concept sketches of Digit


  • In the Ron Pardo version of Cyberchase, this character's voice actor who passed away a year ago is used.


External links[]
