Cyberchase Wiki
format_quote This is a transcript of "Hugs & Witches".

episode starts with a cybersite where there's a manor named Lovelace Manor. Hacker and his henchmen are trying to get in.)

Hacker: Hold still, you quivering kumquats!

Buzz: We're trying boss! (with Delete) Hurry!

Lady Lovelace: (gasps) Hacker!

He's tracked me down.

Marbles: No! I thought you were safe.

Lady Lovelace: He wants to destroy all my work - and just when I've come close to finding a cure for Motherboard.

Hacker: You're right! Because I already found you. Get 'em boys!

Buzz and Delete: Alright boss!

Lady Lovelace: (gasps) Do something Marbles!

Dr. Marbles: Pause, you two! This is unacceptable behavior!

Buzz: Oh yeah? Show them how unacceptable Dee Dee!

Buzz: We'll do it boss!

Delete: Yeah!

(cuts to Inez's house where she and Jackie are making a Valentine's Day card.)

Jackie: How about vermillion?

(Next scene shows Matt, who's farther than the girls, playing with his yo-yo, complaining about the color Jackie mentioned.)

Matt: Vermillion? What kind of color is that!?

Jackie: Come on Matt, get in the spirit! The cards are for Motherboard!

Matt: Ah, I'm not big on Valentine's Day, it's a girl thing.

Motherboard: Hacker Alert! Hacker Alert!

Jackie: Mother B, what's up?

Motherboard: Marbles is in trouble........Trapped in time with Lady Lovelace...... Hurry!

Matt: Trapped in time?

Inez: Where's Digit?

Digit: Up here.

Jackie: Lovelace Manor!

Digit: It must be the place.

Inez: According to Motherboard, Lady Ada Lovelace is the daughter of Lord Byron the famous poet.

Digit: And she's one of the first computer programmers too if you believe. (notices a letter that's on the door handles) Hey, what's this?

Matt: (reading) "If you find this, find my time machine."

Jackie: That's what Motherboard said! Dr. Marbles must be trapped in a time machine!

Inez: Open it, Matt.

Matt: (reading the note) "Like fairies, numbers often come in bunches. Some are large, some are small. When you cannot use your hunches, find the one that stands for all."

Inez: What does it mean?

Matt: I don't have a clue.

Jackie: Talk about gloom, we will never find the time machine out here!

Digit: It's scary, I keep waiting for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to show up.

Inez: Uh, they were the same person, Didge.

Matt: Forget Jekyll and Hyde, keep your eyes open for Jack the Ripper!

Digit: Um, did you ever had birds?

Inez: I don't think so.

Digit: Look!

(two birds are flying in the sky. They looked at the kids and Digit, and swooped down to grab them.)

Jackie: RUN!

(the Cybersquad runs away from the birds. Later, they ducked from the birds except Digit, who later ducked from them. the birds heard someone whistle. They both flew to a goblin who's the master to the birds.)

Mr Goblin: What are you people doing here?

Inez: Um, we're looking for Lady Lovelace, and her time machine. Do you know where she is?

Mr. Goblin: You know what, I got my own problems! See those rocks over there? Each pile used to be in a shape of a big heart. Every hundred years on Valentine's Day, a goblin is chosen to build a new heart next to the others. It's a big honor!

Jackie: That is totally cool!

Mr Goblin: You think so, but I have to use the same number of rocks that were used to build the other five hearts.

Matt: What's the problem with that?

Mr. Goblin: Well, look at those piles, that's the problem! Those rocks are old and broken. My cart knew how many were in each heart when they are first made. Can you?

Jackie: Sorry, Mr Goblin, we can't help you right now. We have a time machine to find! Let's go. (the birds block the Cybersquad as a way to say that they will never leave unless they help Mr. Goblin.)

Digit: Nice birdie, (holds a stick) want a stick? (one of the birds destroys the stick using it's beak making the Cybersquad very scared.)

Jackie: On the other hand Mr. Goblin, we'd be glad to help. Right guys?

Inez: Yeah!

Matt: Right!

Mr Goblin: When we're done, I'll tell you where that time machine is.

Matt: When we're done, we need to borrow your cart.

Mr. Goblin: (runs to Matt) It's always said 'No'!

Matt: Then we won't help you.

Jackie and Inez: Matt!

Mr. Goblin: Hmmm, all right but don't ask for anything.

Jackie: Let's see, we've got five bunches of rocks. 5 bunches...

Digit: (whispers) The poem, read the poem It tells them about bunches..

Inez: Oh yes. (reads the poem) "Like fairies, numbers often come in bunches. Some are large, some are small. When you cannot use your hunches, find the one that stands for all."

Matt: Well, we better start soon. Let's look for bunches.

Inez: Let's start counting rocks in each pile. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Digit: I got one six.

Mr. Goblin: Six, they are six in here too!

Matt: I've got seven on this one.

Jackie: Five here!

Inez: And six rocks.

Digit: What do you know, these numbers are 5, 6 and 7.

Mr. Goblin: Yes, but which one? Which one it is?

Digit: Nothing personal, buddy!

Inez: Excuse me, which way to the time machine?

Mr Goblin: Over there.

Inez: Oh, great.

Jackie: Bye, Mr Goblin!

Delete: How long are supposed to wait here Buzzy?

Buzz: 'Till the boss says not to!

Hacker: Buzz, Delete, listen up! Those meddling children are catching up and on their way, stop them from going into the time machine!

Delete: Hackie-poo?

Buzz: Uh! Can you believe that? C'mon we must stop those kids!

Digit: Oops!

Digit: Scones? We don't have scones. What's a scone?

Digit: Oh, one of those things. Why you didn't just said so?

Matt: Let's start counting warts.

Jackie: Ew! That is so ew!

Digit: There's got to be a better way to look at this!

Digit: 5 scones it is.

Inez: Are you sure we're going the right way? I can't see!

Digit: That's weird, it's clear out there. Huh? No wonder. Buzz and Delete! Huh? What are you doing here?

Matt: Come on, we're running out of time!

Digit: Trolls, a goblin, and now jesters! What's my life coming to?

Digit: (blows whistle) Okay you jesters, line up! 

Inez: Find the one that stands for all!

Digit: But how do we do that?

Digit: (blows whistle) Okay, you two at the end. Brace out!

Matt: One more time.

Jackie: Jester of the middle height, you are going to meet the king.

Tex The Robot: You're right! Because I already found you. Get 'em Girls

Evil Inez and Evil Jackie: Alright Boss!

Evil Inez: Oh yeah? Show them how unacceptable Evil Jackie

Evil Inez: We’ll Do Boss!

Evil Jackie: Yeah!

Jackie: Bye, bye Ada!

Inez: So long!

Motherboard: Lady Lovelace and Dr. Marbles are safe and sound

Hacker: What?

Motherboard: Happy Valentine's Day, Hacker

Hacker: You tricked me, You were working with Motherboard.

Wicked: This is the last time, you insated me.

Hacker: Buzz, Delete, where are you?

Buzz: BOSS!! HELP!!!

Delete: SAVE US!! (wails)

(The robot T-Rex shakes the time machine, then it now cuts back to Earth)

Evil Jackie: Ew, Ain’t Lied Grand! heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh

Evil Inez: Hmm

Jackie: Gee, Dr. Marbles and Lady Love really like each other.

Inez: What this, Matt?

Matt: Hey!

Jackie: (reading) "To 'Nezzie' and 'Jax', Roses are red, violets are blue, a guy couldn't have more friends than you. Happy Valentine's Day......Matt!" Aw, that's so sweet!

Inez: And we thought that you hated Valentine's Day.

(Jackie and Inez kisses Matt on one of his cheeks)

Matt: (blushing) Oh, man!

(episode ends)
