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"The Migration Situation"
today Original air date
April 19, 2018
person Directed by
Jason Groh
person Written by
Adam Rudman George Arthur Bloom
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  • Hidden Cliffs
  • Northern Frontier


Hacker, Buzz and Delete travel to the Puzzle Pyramid with Hacker navigating to their destination with a yellowed, weathered map. After avoiding obstacles of water spraying from the wall, moving walls and falling down a hidden slide trap, Hacker finds what he has been looking for: the Secrets of Cyberspace book. He takes it from its glass cover and explains to Buzz and Delete that "This is the most powerful book in all of Cyberspace." and "[its] not just any book. It contains the secrets of Cyberspace." Once he learns its secrets, he would take over Cyberspace forever. He attempts to open it, but fails. After several failed attempts, a blue slip of paper comes out stating: "The book of such secrecy cannot be accessed so easily. To open it you need-" The scene cuts to the Cybersquad in Hidden Cliffs at the Migration celebration. They are all there to see the Teal-Footed Thriller, a special rare bird. Digit explains what he knows about the birds and answers someone's questions about how many toes they have. The stranger introduces themselves as Professor Bob de Bob Bobsen. Digit furthurs introduces him by saying that Digit learned everything he knew about the Teal-Footed Thriller from the professor .The professor was also a leading expert of the Thriller and the host of the Migration Celebration. He hosts the celebration and explains when the thrillers will come. As the sun shines through the tower, the time when the thrillers would usually arrive, something is wrong. The thrillers don't come and everyone is questioning and wondering what is going on. The professor says to wait and over time, most of the spectators left. He states that he would have to cancel the Migration Celebration. Digit states with resolve that he would search for the Thrillers and he left. The professor tells his fans in an online video about the cancelled celebration. He leaves his office lab to get some fresh air. The Cybersquad was in the lab when there was a call from the Professor's phone. Milo from Sensible Flats saw the professor's announcement, but he has a thriller in his backyard. The group ends up getting calls from all over Cyberspace and started taking notes.


  • This episode marks Widget's first appearance since the fifth season episode, EcoHaven Ooze. (not true)




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